Peacefully on July 1, 2023, Jean passed away in his home at Laurier House.
He was predeceased by his parents, Georges and Denise Dionne. Jean will be remembered by his wife, Debbie; daughters, Joelle (Matthew) and Danielle (Luke); and by his grandchildren Mackenzie, Jack, Audrey, Hudson, and Maddox. He will also be remembered by his
sisters, Nicole (Serge), Odette, Michelle and Danielle (Yves), his sisters-in-law, Sherry, Melanie (Dennis), Sandy (Lloyd), and mother-in-law, Thelma Fritz, as well as by nieces, nephews and many friends.
Jean loved sports, music and most of all his family and friends. Jean loved people!
Jean made a career working for Bell, Edmonton Telephones, Ed-Tel and Telus for 35 years, retiring in 2010.
Jean loved traveling, taking many road trips with his family throughout Canada, and out of country trips, to Europe, Australia, Asia, and Russia. He always lived life to the fullest and always said, “La vie est belle.”
A memorial service will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 12 at St. John Lutheran Church of Ardrossan, 52233 R.R. 221, Sherwood Park, AB.
The family would like to invite everyone for refreshments in the basement following the service.
Dearest Debbie and your precious family….I was so saddened to receive the note telling me of Jean’s death. Although many miles and years separate us you have both always been held close in my heart. May you be held now in Gods comforting arms and those of your family. Sooo many memories will live on! Love Denise (Evans) and Don Cheke
Dear Debbie,
It was with a sad heart that we received the news of Jean’s passing. Many years have passed us by, but we still have fond memories of you and Jean from our youth. May you look back on those memories and all that you have shared with your daughters and may they give you great comfort. Our most sincere sympathy to you and your family as you mourn his passing. Eric and Carolyn (Schierling) Reinhart
Dearest Debbie,
I am so saddened to hear of the passing of your Jean. I so enjoyed getting to know him when he would join you on your days of preparation for your upcoming classes. His smile and laughter were infectious and I was honoured to have known him. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. With much love. Lisa
À Debby et sa famille ainsi qu’à la famille Dionne.
Que la tristesse et les moments sombres que vous vivez maintenant, fassent bientôt place à des pensées plus apaisantes afin que le souvenir de Jean devienne une source de paix et de réconfort. Avec notre affection, nous vous offrons nos sincères condoléances.
Ma chère Debbie et toute votre famille, mes pensées vous accompagnent dans ces moments sûrement très difficiles. Je n’avais pas vu mon ami Jean depuis un long moment mais je pensais à lui quand même depuis que j’avais appris sa maladie. De beaux souvenirs de mon voyage en auto avec Jean de Québec-Edmonton-Québec au printemps 1975 me viennent en tête. Mes plus sincères condoléances à vous Tous. Bisous et accolades.